At the beginning of my Internet Resource course, I had difficulty finding a topic for my final project. The ideas suggested did not interest me. Instead, I decided to research a topic that was of special interest to me: children web pages. As a preschool and elementary teacher, I am a true believer in the power of the computer and the internet. Every year, I take my students to the computer lab where they learn different children software. Plus, even though my preschool kids are not able to use the internet by themselves yet, I show and discuss different web sites with them. Over the years, I have visited many sites that I found noteworthy for several grade levels. Here was my ideal project - evaluating children sites that teachers and students should know about. After confirming the idea with my tutor and getting the subject approved, I went web surfing. I found thousands of sites, many of which were so-so while others were mind-boggling.To make this project even more useful, I decided to share my information with other teachers and students. In order to do so, I created a simple web page which contains the links to the different web sites I visited along the way. By no means are the sites mentioned all "net-nanny" sites. Supervision is still necessary. Hopefully, during the 1997-98 school year, I will continue building this site. Perhaps, it will become Chantal's Homework Helper. Until then, don't forget to sign my guestbook. Send me sites you think should be included. I accept all suggestions.